Father's day - part-1
गत कुछ दिन पहले शर्मा जी के अंतिम संस्कार के रीति भोज में जाना हुआ . हालाँकि में ऐसे कोई भी कार्यक्रमों से दूर ही रहती हूँ पर शर्मा जी परिवार के जैसे थे , और पापा के जाने के बाद सामाजिक अवसरों को पूरा करने का यह दायित्व मेरे ऊपर आया . कहते हैं की जो भरे पूरे परिवार में नाती पोतों को देख कर बुज़ुर्ग जाए उनका रीति भोज खाना आशीर्वाद माना जाता है . में हमेशा इसी दुविधा में रहती हूँ की यह एक दुःख की या मोक्ष में सुख प्राप्ति की घडी है . शर्मा जी के बड़े और मझले लड़के ने मिल कर बहुत ही आयोजित तरीके से सभी इन्तेज़ामात किये थे . कोई भी कमी न रह जाए ..सभी दोनों बेटों की कार्यनिष्ठां की तारीफ करते नहीं थक रहे थे .
मुझे हलाकि बहुत अचकचा महसूस हो रहा थे यह देख कर, पर फिर में में पारम्परिक तरीके से सादे रंग के कपडे पेहेन कर सभी परिवार जनों से मिल रही थी . इन सभी भेद भाड़ में मेरी नज़रिए शर्मा अन्त्य को ढून्ढ रही थी , जो कहीं नज़र नहीं आ रही थी . मैंने उनके लड़के से भी पुछा तोह उन्होंने यहाँ वहां देखने को बोल कर अपने कार्यों में व्यस्त हो गए .
शर्मा अंकल मुरादाबाद के रहने वाले थे जहाँ उनका काफी बड़ा कारोबार था . मुरादाबाद के पुराने लोगों में उनकी पहचान थी . तीन बेटे और एक बेटी के साथ उनका भरा पूरा संयुक्त परिवार था . शमा जी का बड़ा अरमान था की उच्च शिक्षा दे कर अपने सभी बच्चो को बड़ा अफसर बनाये और इस छोटे शहर के बहार विदेश तक भेजें . तीनों बेटों ने शर्मा जी का सपना पूरा किया . बड़ा बेटा पढाई पूरी कर विदेश में नौकरी करने लगा , मझले बेटे ने सिविल की परीक्षा निकल कर बड़े ओहोदे का अफसर बन गया . बेटी ने भी उच्च सीखा प्राप्त कर के शहर में प्रोफेसर की सरकारी नौकरी ले ली. शर्मा जी ने नौकरी मिलते बेटी की शादी बड़ी ही धूम धाम से धन्यड़या परिवार में कर दी . बेटी के जाने के बाद शर्मा जी के घर में सिर्फ छोटा बेटा रह गया. घर खाली खाली लगने लगा और शमा जी के मैं में पोते पोतियों को खिलने की आ जागने लगी तोह शर्मा जी ने अपने दोनों बेटों की भी शादी एक के बाद एक कर दी. शादी के बाद बहुएं भी बेटों के साथ दूसरे शहर चली गयी तोह फिर से शर्मा जी अपनी पत्नी के साथ रह गए . तीसरे बेटे ने पढाई पूरी कर , आगे की पढाई के लिए विदेश जाने की परीक्षा पास कर छे साल भर के भीतर ही चला गया .
जब बेटों की शादी नहीं हुई थी तब हर साल छुट्टियों में घर आ जाया करते थे ..परन्तु अब अपनी अर्धांगिनी संग किसी न किसी हिल स्टेशन या समिन्द्र तट पर निकल जाया करते हैं . शर्मा जी और उनकी पत्नी अपने नाती - पोतों को देखने और उनके साथ खेलने को तरस जाते हैं . कभी कभार बेटों का फ़ोन आ जाया करता था और जन्मदिन और फादर्स डे के दिन केक भी भेज दिया करते थे
सालो साल शर्मा जी की भी अब उम्र बढ़ रही थी , साथ पार कर चुके थे और कारोबार को उस प्रकार नहीं चला पा रहे थे . फिर भी अपने को व्यस्त रखने के लिए रोज़ दूकान चले जाय करते थे . अब मुनाफा पहले जैसा नहीं था और नयी टेक्नोलॉजी ने कारोबार को एकदम ख़तम सा कर दिया था. शर्मा जी के सत्तर पार करने पर उनकी पत्नी ने उन्हें कारोबार बंद करने की सलाह दी.
अब शर्मा जी बिलकुल खाली हो बोर हुआ करते थे तोह उनकी पत्नी कुछ न कुछ करके उनका मैं लगाने की कोशिश किया करती . कभी उनके पसंद का कुछ खाना बनती तोह कभी उनकी पसद के गाने रिकॉर्डर पर चला देती . शर्मा जी बेटों को घर आने का आग्रह किया तोह उन्होंने छुट्टी का बहाना बना कर टाल दिया. एक बीच उनकी पत्नी ने कहा की हम की बेटे बेटियों से मिल आते हैं. शर्मा जी का एक बेटा हैदराबाद में रहता था, उन्होंने उस से वहा आने की इच्छा जाहिर की तोह उसने उनका और उनकी पत्नी का टिकट बनवा कर भेज दिया
दोनों श्रीमान श्रीमती हैदराबाद पहुंचे तोह बेटा स्टेशन पर लिवाने आया. पहली बार आने पर बहु ने यथासंभव सत्कार किया . छुट्टी के दिनों में बेटे बहु ने उनको शहर दिखाया और पर्यटन स्थल घुमाये. शर्मा जी पहली बार अपने शहर के इतनी दूर आये थे. दोनों बहुत खुश थे और समय कैसे व्यतीत हो रहा था पता ही नहीं चला की दो माह बीत गए. नाटो पोतों के साथ दोनों बहुत खुश थे .
सास ससुर के घर में होने पर बहु को पाबन्दी महसूस होने लगी . रोज़ घर पर ही खाना बनो , समय से उठो, कपडे पारम्परिक पहनो ..वगैरह वगैरह. उसे लगने लगा की वोह अब स्थायी रूप से यही रहने लग जायेंगें. बहु ने अपने मैं की संशा अपने पति से कही और बोला की जैसे भी हो माँ बाउजी जो वापस मुरादाबाद भेज दो. बहु की यह बात शर्मा जी की पत्नी ने गलती से सुन ली जब वोह शमा जी की दवाई के लिए पानी लेने जा रही थी. शर्मा जी तक यह बात न पहुंचे और उन्हें बुरा न लगे इसलिए उन्होंने कहा की इतने दिनों तक घर खाली नहीं छोड़ सकते तोह अब वापस चलना चाहिए . बेटा बहु ने सुना तोह मन ही मैं खुश हुए की बिना बोले ही काम हो गया. शर्मा जी जाना तो नहीं चाहते थे और पत्नी के आग्रह के आगे कुछ चलने को तैयार हो गए.
वापस आ कर शर्मा जी को बार बार पोते पोती की याद आने लगी . इस बीच बड़ा बेटा अपनी नौकरी छोड़ कर वापस भारत आ गया और उसने गुडगाँव में अपना घर ले लिया और वहीँ अपना कारोबार भी शुरू किया. कारोबार करना बेटे को अपने बाप दादा से मिला था तोह उनसे जल्दी ही काफी तरक्की की और बड़ा टी-मंज़िला बांग्ला और दो बड़ी गाड़ियां भी खरीदी .
Sunday, May 14, 2023
Mother's Day
Today is mother's day and many of you would be posting pictures with your mother with quotes like 'I love you mom' sometimes these pictures would be from the albums, where mother's are staying far in another city and country in a life of solitude waiting to see and spend time with their kids and grandkids. There is nothing wrong with posting pictures. But please take a pause .. does mother's day means just a single day for you in an year ??
Mother’s Day
Morning while I was taking a walk I sat on a bench for a breather when I met another morning-walker in her mind sixties. Beautiful and graceful. I have been seeing her for last 30 years while her kids were still going to school, then college. She use to be one tireless mom, 24x7 for 365 days a year. She bought up her kids well and they could get admission in top collages & universities and then take high positions in big companies and moved to another country.
Both the kids use to come to India once a year or sometimes once in 2-3 years. When the news of the homecoming of kids use to reach the parents, a joy of festivity would start at home. Uncle will make sure all the logistics are done and anty would be busy making her much loved delicacies for them to have and take back.
Eventually kids got married and had their own kids and their homecoming period extended and days got divided between in-laws and home. There would be times when the wait for kids to come home seemed never ending and unbearable for parents. Many times it would happen that the kids-in-law would directly go to their parents house, leaving the wait and preparation of parents never ending and never completing.
Parents were also aging and longed to see their grandkids and play with them. Not that there were no video calls but it was initiated by parents only lucky to get connected at when kids and grandkids are not busy and available. But no digital media can take place for personal presence so the father decided that both parents would go abroad and stay with their kid.
Finally with their decision they got the visa and tickets done and flew to another country taking a tiresome journey of more than a day sitting in an airplane changing two flights to their destination. A new country and environment seemed difficult to both the parents to cope initially but the company of their grandkids let time fly by few months.
Grandkids were also growing and it was time for them to attend school. The school regime in this country was not the half day thing for kids, but to accommodate working parents regime it was full day boarding. This again left the parents again in void of loneliness in a new country where neighbourhood was not practiced like India. Houses too were far away so the sight of human also was rare. Slowly with sabotaged emotions and old age parents started to develop medical issues.
One day when the kids and grandkids had gone to office and school, father felt a very severe and unbearable pain in his chest. Mother tried to call the kids but their phones didn't responded due to silent mode during meetings. Panicked and helpless she ran on the street for help to find no one till the miles. She rushed from inside the home to outside the street, in between trying to call her kids. After a long struggle she would find a police patrolling to whom she called to help and arrange for an ambulance.
Once the kids meeting was over they saw the enormous number of calls on their mobile. As usual of Indian parents calling multiple times when not getting connected, they too thought the same. Since the meeting went for a couple of hours they were pretty much hungry and their stomachs were screaming for food. As both the couple's worked nearby they went to a nearby restaurant for food. This is very usual in west to have lunch outside since the tradition of carrying a dabba does not exists. Once their filled stomachs comforted them , they decided to call parents.
They were taken aback to know that the father got a massive heart attack which the mother informed in a tired and weak voice. They both rushed to hospital and in the meantime texted the other kid staying in a nearby state about the father's whereabouts.
Doctors were putting up a tough fight to save the father, but much time has lapsed in order to arrange for the emergency care. After putting up a long battle of twelve hours, finally the father gave up. Kids were is utter shock and mother was left shattered and helpless. Her last companion and support has left her.
I always get this strange feeling that my life is short. Short enough not to reach to the old age of many broken teeths, stooping on cane stick and being dependent on anyone for the basics. At a age I am at present I don't count in young nor middle aged and not even old. It is a very strange phase of life when you feel like nowhere. Age seems to be taking on you and you realize that 12 working hours and beyond is making you really fatigued. You need rest after each 4 hours period and is loosing the capacity to digest any food.
I never knew a cup of coffee at CCD can give me so much of happiness and a feel of accomplishment. Having coffee at Cafe' Coffee Day the other day was a total bliss. Well..this is not the first time that I am enjoying the rich taste of coffee at CCD. But yes, it is the first time I am having coffee and snacks in a place called Guntur. Yes..Guntur, a small city in divided Andhra Pradesh. Though Guntur has all the facilities for a city in terms of infrastructure, but when it comes to food there are very limited choices. Food in the morning and evening consists of tiffins (idli, vada, dosa) and afternoons you can get elaborate meals (consisting of enormous quantity of rice, pappu (dal), fry, curry, pacchadi (chutney), sambhar, rasam, papad and curd to end with). Items may change, but menu remains the same for all day. It may sound exiting to see soft fluffy idlies for some days, but for a person from north like me., need some change. We can't satiate our tastebuds without the mid hunger snacks of burger, pizza, samosa, sandwiches..etc etc.. the list is countless. After coming to Guntur, it felt that my choice of food got cropped to our favorite so called south Indian restaurents serving idli and dosas, of course much better at taste, quality and price. On my visit to places like Hyderabad & Bangalore, the first thing I would do is to head straight towards a McDonald's or Domino's and satiate my hunger for burgers & pizzas.. as if I did not has them for ages.
To my relief I came to know about the place in Guntur called Laxmipuram, a very upmarket area with many brands and some familiar restaurants like CCD, Dominos & KFC. To make my joy, double, triple and many fold, I announced it on facebook, whatsapp and all other media about the good news. Some got happy seeing me happy, some got confused, some surprised and some gave mixed reactions. People already belonging to Guntur were happy and amused to see the very locality of area which in no way resembled the original Guntur. All I knew I could survive in this place a little longer, as I found my cup of Joy.
मैं हूँ माटी का दिया. एक कुम्हार के घर पैदा हुआ , एक दीन अवस्था मैं पाल बढ़ा और ज़िन्दगी की आंच मेँ जलकर पक्का हुआ . सोचता हूँ की दिवाली मेँ किसी के घर मेँ उजाला करूँगा . पर क्या कोई मुझ जैसे माटी के माधो को अपने घर ले जायेगा . आपको तो chinese पारियां अच्छी लगती है घर मेँ सजाने के लिए ... टिमटिमाती , रंगबिरंगी छोटी बड़ी .. दिन दिन चलने वाली .. मुझे क्यों ले जाओगे अपने घर.
सोचता हूँ कभी मेरे जन्मदाता के घर भी उजाला करूँगा .. वह दिन रात लग कर मुझे और मेरे भाई बहनों को बनाता है .. ताकि उस के घर भी दिवाली हो .. कुछ बताशे अपने बच्चों को खिला पाये .. कपडे तोह नहीं आयेगे बच्चों के लिए .. शायद पेट भर खाना ही खा पाये .. पर आप तोह १० रूपये के १० देने पर भी मोल भाऊ करोंगे .. "१२ दे दे " .. २ रूपये बचाओगे ..
अच्छा एक बात बोलो .. यह नयी नयी बड़ी दुकानो.., क्या बोलते है उसे ..माल्स.. शॉपिंग माल्स वहां एक बर्गर के कितना पैसे देते हो .. और कितना टैक्स देते हो .. क्या वहां भी मोल भाव करते हो .. ना ना वहां कैसे ..वहां तो २५ रूपये के मैक्डोनल बर्गर पर १७ रूपये टैक्स देते हो .. ५०० रूपये पिज़्ज़ा के देते हो और टिप्स भी १०० से कर नहीं देते, ताकि इज़्ज़त बानी रहे .. तोह मेरे से २ रूपये क्यों बचते हो ..
कितने बना पायेगा मेरा बुद्धा बाप दिन भर मेँ और कितने बेच पायेगा ..दस हज़ार दिए ..तोह कितना कमायेगा १००० रूपये .. और यही दिवाली है.. आपकी भी और मेरी भी ... शायद उस के घर मेँ भी मेँ माटी का दिया उजाला कर सकु , और आपके घर मेँ भी .
Post the last rituals were completed, mother decided to go back to India since loneliness and loss of life partner was unbearable for her. Back in India she got friends, siblings and relatives to share her pain.
Months have passed by and now the mother has learned to live a life all by herself. She is braver, more active in her lifestyle. She takes care of her, doing yoga, regular walks and timely medicine. But at the day end.. she misses the voice of her kids and grandkids. She misses the time when the kids used to come home from school and instantly hugged to her. She sometimes calls her kids and does video calls to see how the grandkids are growing. But inside her she too longs for the calls to come from other side, the words that cares and comforts her.
Yes the call comes from the other side too.. on mother's day !!
Saturday, March 31, 2018
Few Years...Live.. or Leave
This mid or say nowhere times is also harder, as to every time you want to take a sabbatical from work and when you get a few days of rest in name of holidays..boredom starts to creep in. You want action in your life. The increasing waistline pushes you to do exercise and stay fit., but the day long fatigue says you need rest to give your body machinery a rest. Ohhhfff..a terrible time.
Many times I want to take you something creative, something that will give peace to my soul and nourish my heart. But alas the mechanical world does not leave me. Neither does it let me go any further. Not to the nest step..nor to the resting cottage.
I have lived my life pretty satisfactorily and rarely got any regrets. Had wishes and goals which I accomplished and kept moving ahead. But the years coming now..with no ambitions, goals for professional and personal life, I feel aimless. Tired for a new challenge., which keeps telling me..do I live like this..or should I leave this boring life and look for some excitement away from this land... still brooding.
Monday, March 26, 2018
Joy in a cup of coffee
I never knew a cup of coffee at CCD can give me so much of happiness and a feel of accomplishment. Having coffee at Cafe' Coffee Day the other day was a total bliss. Well..this is not the first time that I am enjoying the rich taste of coffee at CCD. But yes, it is the first time I am having coffee and snacks in a place called Guntur. Yes..Guntur, a small city in divided Andhra Pradesh. Though Guntur has all the facilities for a city in terms of infrastructure, but when it comes to food there are very limited choices. Food in the morning and evening consists of tiffins (idli, vada, dosa) and afternoons you can get elaborate meals (consisting of enormous quantity of rice, pappu (dal), fry, curry, pacchadi (chutney), sambhar, rasam, papad and curd to end with). Items may change, but menu remains the same for all day. It may sound exiting to see soft fluffy idlies for some days, but for a person from north like me., need some change. We can't satiate our tastebuds without the mid hunger snacks of burger, pizza, samosa, sandwiches..etc etc.. the list is countless. After coming to Guntur, it felt that my choice of food got cropped to our favorite so called south Indian restaurents serving idli and dosas, of course much better at taste, quality and price. On my visit to places like Hyderabad & Bangalore, the first thing I would do is to head straight towards a McDonald's or Domino's and satiate my hunger for burgers & pizzas.. as if I did not has them for ages.
To my relief I came to know about the place in Guntur called Laxmipuram, a very upmarket area with many brands and some familiar restaurants like CCD, Dominos & KFC. To make my joy, double, triple and many fold, I announced it on facebook, whatsapp and all other media about the good news. Some got happy seeing me happy, some got confused, some surprised and some gave mixed reactions. People already belonging to Guntur were happy and amused to see the very locality of area which in no way resembled the original Guntur. All I knew I could survive in this place a little longer, as I found my cup of Joy.
Fast Paced Mahabharata
The fast paced life may lead you take on more on your platter than you can handle or chew, but is it taking you to the next level. The next level of accomplishment ..? Or is it only adding to the confusion to be created for no one to have a clear idea. Clarity on what needs to be done., and what is being done. We may all have our sixth senses alerting us., something is going on. Something which happens when there are two leagues, one the righteous one and the one opposing it. The reason for opposition is still not known. Like it was not known even to all the kings and friends fighting against pandavas. The battle was intense and tough. Chakraviyoh was formed and young Abhimanyu was killed by the seasoned and very experienced kings. Bhishma kept on watching the play., and abhimanyu died. Young and courageous Abhimanyu ..!!
Till the time on we keep on killing the spirits of young and talented Abhimanyu's with seasoned shakuni's. The Gandhari's still continues to have the blindfold on her eyes to ignore the follies of duryodhan and her beloved sons in pursue of her aspirations in them. In this the darkest hour of kalyug, we need not one but many Krishna's to act..Act with Justice and Act with Action.
Till the time on we keep on killing the spirits of young and talented Abhimanyu's with seasoned shakuni's. The Gandhari's still continues to have the blindfold on her eyes to ignore the follies of duryodhan and her beloved sons in pursue of her aspirations in them. In this the darkest hour of kalyug, we need not one but many Krishna's to act..Act with Justice and Act with Action.
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Transcend the fear
14th Jan 2016, New Delhi
Fear and Power and two coincided forces that runs our lives. Each one rules over the other and each fuels each other.
Fear and Power and two coincided forces that runs our lives. Each one rules over the other and each fuels each other.
Anonymity of happiness
25th December 2015, Bengaluru
Since my few days in this city of lakes makes me wonder if the city is so carefree and happy or it is just my state of mind. Feeling free and happy seemed like a passe to me since past few years. This is the first vacation i gifted to myself to this city far from any reach of NCR. Each day i try to live my own, explore the city, find joys in small things, walk for miles, shop till i drop and so what my heart says till my feet aches. Each day i get lost in a new part of the city and then i find myself. The warm sunshine nurtured and cool evening breeze caressed me. It felt the city reciprocated the love i carried for it.
I felt like love again..a fairytale story. But with no prince.. Only a princess who want to fly..to dance..to laugh and to be happy. And the princess found her wings in this city.. and everything she liked was here. She was wondering if the wings was something she has been missing for so long..!! no one was there to keep an eye on her, to poke fingers to her and to judge..judge her actions, reactions and happiness. It felt free.. free from all strings.. being anonymous in a city. It gave so much of happiness that filled completely. being anonymous gave so much of happiness..so much. I kept on wondering if getting merged in a place is so beautiful, then why people want come in limelight..be popular.. !!
Just wish today that this city calls me again..now for quite a longer duration.. to heal me and give me peace. AMEN !
Since my few days in this city of lakes makes me wonder if the city is so carefree and happy or it is just my state of mind. Feeling free and happy seemed like a passe to me since past few years. This is the first vacation i gifted to myself to this city far from any reach of NCR. Each day i try to live my own, explore the city, find joys in small things, walk for miles, shop till i drop and so what my heart says till my feet aches. Each day i get lost in a new part of the city and then i find myself. The warm sunshine nurtured and cool evening breeze caressed me. It felt the city reciprocated the love i carried for it.
I felt like love again..a fairytale story. But with no prince.. Only a princess who want to fly..to dance..to laugh and to be happy. And the princess found her wings in this city.. and everything she liked was here. She was wondering if the wings was something she has been missing for so long..!! no one was there to keep an eye on her, to poke fingers to her and to judge..judge her actions, reactions and happiness. It felt free.. free from all strings.. being anonymous in a city. It gave so much of happiness that filled completely. being anonymous gave so much of happiness..so much. I kept on wondering if getting merged in a place is so beautiful, then why people want come in limelight..be popular.. !!
Just wish today that this city calls me again..now for quite a longer duration.. to heal me and give me peace. AMEN !
Tuesday, January 05, 2016
Pulse 2015: What we will write about this year
December 31, 2015; Bangalore
At the end of every year we take out time to reflect and review. Although the process goes year and year on with the conclusion that life goes on and on. struggle and perseverance is the only truths of life. Each year we make resolutions and each year tend to break them for other priorities in life. we say life goes on., but yet don't live. We keep on running for things that we don't want in life., that does not brings happiness or satisfaction. Yet, we run after them. We loose our sleep,appetite, health and happiness. In search of happiness and security we keep on going far from it. We label our happiness for fat pay, big car, big house and a fat bank balance, disillusioning ourselves each and every time.
Such an year 2015 has been. In search of internal calling, happiness and peace. Some unanswered questions and a piercing pain in heart. A very long journey it seemed, every day and hour counted. Every day it felt like to withdraw and everyday it surrendered to another day. Whether it was dreams, disillusions or the struggle of fate, life moved on. Silently moved on to day by day till the end. Strength was tested, illusions broken, questions answered and many more created. It was surrendering to life, defeated..barefoot.. on the grounds of reality and self realization. Some accounts needs to be closed and for some closure process need to start. Wondering what it should be called..? Yet there was was peace inside for god was still there. Still holding my hand.. and it reassured that the path is truthful and i have not moved to deceit. With this, i sleep peacefully in the late hours of 2015 waiting for the next sunrise.
At the end of every year we take out time to reflect and review. Although the process goes year and year on with the conclusion that life goes on and on. struggle and perseverance is the only truths of life. Each year we make resolutions and each year tend to break them for other priorities in life. we say life goes on., but yet don't live. We keep on running for things that we don't want in life., that does not brings happiness or satisfaction. Yet, we run after them. We loose our sleep,appetite, health and happiness. In search of happiness and security we keep on going far from it. We label our happiness for fat pay, big car, big house and a fat bank balance, disillusioning ourselves each and every time.
Such an year 2015 has been. In search of internal calling, happiness and peace. Some unanswered questions and a piercing pain in heart. A very long journey it seemed, every day and hour counted. Every day it felt like to withdraw and everyday it surrendered to another day. Whether it was dreams, disillusions or the struggle of fate, life moved on. Silently moved on to day by day till the end. Strength was tested, illusions broken, questions answered and many more created. It was surrendering to life, defeated..barefoot.. on the grounds of reality and self realization. Some accounts needs to be closed and for some closure process need to start. Wondering what it should be called..? Yet there was was peace inside for god was still there. Still holding my hand.. and it reassured that the path is truthful and i have not moved to deceit. With this, i sleep peacefully in the late hours of 2015 waiting for the next sunrise.
Sunday, January 03, 2016
You will leave my hands after I learn to walk..
5th October 2015; Monday, Kanwarpura village
Kar na moh, pathik hoon mein
Chalta jaa raha hoon, na ghar na
"you wont come back after your work is finished.. you will forget us too.. and never would remember us.. no one has ever come to us..to ask about us... " she swallowed a gulp and her voice was choking up. This was just after a single day spent with her, shadowing her through the village trying to understand her work and challenges. "No one ever came .. " and whenever they came they came with a purpose, not to ask what you do..how you do.. and how you exceed the work that is originally assigned to you.. a day build you so much of faith, confidence and bonding that they want me to come to home, have food, join in their festivals.. and more. On my way back i was wondering how these ASHA's strive with minimal or no motivation at all, still working towards ensuring a better healthcare for the villagers. Or is it a common with all people working in the govt sector..!! Their inner zeal dies a silent death by lack of nourishment of kind words and motivation. An then it makes me ask myself..would we be able to give smiles to the strained faces.
Whom to call for Action..?
8th October 2015; Wednesday, Dungri
More than a decade ago, a program from Bill & Melinda gates
foundation announced the call to action for HIV/AIDS in India and took a leap
to emerge as the biggest program ever in whole Asia in the field of health. The
success of the program was not in educating people for safe practices or to
prevent HIV, but the most human centric approach and a sharp eye on related
factors. “They already knew what was unsafe and how to prevent. The problem was
violence and once it was tackled, the program become viral” and rest was known
to all, AVAHAN made history.
When today I have gone to the field to understand maternal and child health to a village untouched by any modern means, I knew I am not teaching a woman what to do for her and her children for a better health. Mothers by instinct know how to take care of her children, so seeing a malnutrition child makes me wonder about the struggle of the woman. While I was speaking to the woman about her malnourished child and feeding practices, inside I could feel the helplessness of the mother who even don’t have a single bread in her house to feed the crying child. I felt myself in the poorest state who don’t have anything to offer to take this child from hunger to health. The setting sun sparkled and I thought of a time when god’s blessing will be bestowed on this little child and we will have hands strong to take the child to sunrise of health & happiness.
When today I have gone to the field to understand maternal and child health to a village untouched by any modern means, I knew I am not teaching a woman what to do for her and her children for a better health. Mothers by instinct know how to take care of her children, so seeing a malnutrition child makes me wonder about the struggle of the woman. While I was speaking to the woman about her malnourished child and feeding practices, inside I could feel the helplessness of the mother who even don’t have a single bread in her house to feed the crying child. I felt myself in the poorest state who don’t have anything to offer to take this child from hunger to health. The setting sun sparkled and I thought of a time when god’s blessing will be bestowed on this little child and we will have hands strong to take the child to sunrise of health & happiness.
Tuesday, December 08, 2015
Action to direction..
From past sometime I feel lost.., lost in oblivion. I am
working hard, keeping my focus on what needs to be done.., still the picture is
missing. And I am constantly trying to find it. I am trying to find the missing
motivation… the missing energy and the block which can complete it. In the
quest to find the missing parts… I am missing on a lot of things… laughter…life…and
power of speech. At times I have started feeling abnormal, not being able to
figure out the missing part. It was never like this…never..! today, after
seeing the painting shared by A, it felt like somewhere my answers lies in it. It
was sooo.. true… the completeness lies in direction. One object gives direction
to another and that’s where focus and the theme of the whole picture is. It was
a moment to take a deep breath and do some retrospection… what are these
objects..? and what are these directing to.. ?? if you look closely in a
painting it covers three things.. object, action and focus.. one directing to
another in the same order. Direction here is very important.., which makes an object
live with action and adds expression with focus.
Monday, October 20, 2014
I am the abandon child, adopt me
I am the abandoned child of very
worthy parents, who abandoned me out of fear. Fear that the mighty will
overpower and kill me. They, my parents gifted me to their childless friends
who had love in abundance. They cared and loved me and did everything they
could. I was bought up by the poor villagers who only had love to give. My little
friends had to work at an early age for a living. I was the only hope for them.
I found my love in a village girl, and for her I was the existence and end of
the world. All the other young girls of the village revolved around me and
found joy by their dance and play. All these beautiful girls play brought all
kinds to colour to the lives… colours of happiness, sorrow, joy, love and separation.
Little did I realise life moves on, and I had to go. I had to go and free the
world of the darkness that exists. The darkness that lets brother kill brother,
father kill son and mother abandon their child. I had to perform my karma. Not only
I have to move people from darker to the brighter side, but also prepare them
for future. Future is uncertain, unseen and un-assumed. I may not be there forever, because nothing is permanent. Everything has to finally end... but that is
not death. Everything merges into thee. Adopt me while you are moving from one
phase to another. And whenever u will find yourself alone, you would always
find me adopting yourself in my arms.., secure and safe.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Live life the sahaj way
Sahaj means “In-born” or which
comes naturally with birth. Human is a reservoir of immense energies and power
for wellbeing and healing process. These energies gently need to be awakened to
do the purifying process. Each day we burden ourselves with negativity,
resentment, guilt and hatred. The external world starts to pollute our souls
and minds, leaving us energy less, tired, dull and irritable. Purification is
like bathing internally to wash away the dirt and get back our clean, calm and
vibrant self.
From the moment one decides bring
balance to life these energies starts to awaken. This balance is mental,
emotional and social form. Practicing Sahaj is the meditation in the simplest
form. Sahaj refers a life full of energy, joy, calm, confidence and living in
present. Balance is to find a Madhya
or mid-point between high and low of anything. Too-high or too-low is not good;
it takes away the joy or misery of life. Whether it is energy, activity or
emotion. The moment we lose this balance, our body alarms us, we start to get
troubles.., troubles like physical diseases, heart, liver, kidney, headache and
so on… mental diseases …and emotional diseases like depression etc.
One needs to stay the mid-point to
enjoy life in the healthiest form. Sahaj is pure experience to be verifiable by
one’s own self. It calms our nervous system and fills us with energy and joy
which fills and spreads in our environment like an infection. If we are healthy
with our body and mind is fit then only our relationship with the world would
be healthy. A Sahaji is light like a flower and attracts like a magnet.
Sahaj is not a community or a
religion, it is a state. A State where u are childlike. A little child attracts everyone, and no one
fears a child, everyone can reach him and everyone can be a friend. Why …why
not adults …?? A child is pure, innocent and clean. And this
purity attracts us. Child never tries to manipulate or judge any one, so we
feel secure. And the unconditional love and joy spread by him makes us reach to
him anytime and every time. The plays of a child is the expression of joy
inside. Children are compared to god while they are small as their internal
self is not corrupted by the worldly plays of deceit and manipulation.
We can be child, we can be god,
we can be in joy, if we are in sahaj, the state we are born with. Connecting with
yourself connects you with god. Who guides us and who directs our path. Who is
inside all of us. Who each day gets layered with dust making his existence invisible.
We need to take internal bath every day to wash off this dust and let the god
inside us shine and radiate the energy. This is natural bliss or chaitnaya. Chaitanya
is the awakening of Chetna (consciousness).
Sahaj is the gentle path for heathy living.
I see him like I see you
Nona loves to cook chappan bhog
for her beloved gopal to celebrate his birthday. As every year since morning
she is occupied in kitchen with all kinds of varied recipes. Krish thought it
is a good idea to visit nona and enjoy the good food as he knew Gopal wont be
consuming it all. As it is a birthday, Krish thought traditional attire is not
suitable, so he clad himself in levi’s jeans and top. Krish knocked nona’s door
and while entering got lost in the tempting aroma of food being cooked.
“Wow.. yummy food.. all for me..??” Krish jokingly asked.
“No.. this feast is for my Gopal.. today is his birthday..??” nona
said .
“So will your Gopal will eat this ALL..?? he must be a big foodie ..?”
joked Krish
“EEHHH..u should not say wrong about Gopal … yes this is for him..”
nona said
“u mean he will eat allllll….” Krish
“don’t worry you will also get your feast” nona said politely
Nona finishes cooking, and get the food served for Gopal. Krish as
usual keeps on teasing nona about her and gopal relationship.
Krish “Your Gopal is made of clay and will eat earth only.., not this
Nona “yes he loves earth…and every part of it. Come now you also eat …”
Nona serves food for krish as well, krish starts to enjoy food.
“Yummy food, you made so well” Krish
“Thanks” Nona
“but gopal is not eating” Krish
“don’t worry he is..” Nona
“you have never seen him, what kind of love.. you prepared so much for
his birthday… but he has not bothered to eat… “ krish
“don’t worry he will” Nona
“how will he.. have u seen him.. seen him ever.????” Krish
“Yes..i had.. I see him like I see you… “
Friday, October 17, 2014
मैं हूँ माटी का दिया
मैं हूँ माटी का दिया. एक कुम्हार के घर पैदा हुआ , एक दीन अवस्था मैं पाल बढ़ा और ज़िन्दगी की आंच मेँ जलकर पक्का हुआ . सोचता हूँ की दिवाली मेँ किसी के घर मेँ उजाला करूँगा . पर क्या कोई मुझ जैसे माटी के माधो को अपने घर ले जायेगा . आपको तो chinese पारियां अच्छी लगती है घर मेँ सजाने के लिए ... टिमटिमाती , रंगबिरंगी छोटी बड़ी .. दिन दिन चलने वाली .. मुझे क्यों ले जाओगे अपने घर.
सोचता हूँ कभी मेरे जन्मदाता के घर भी उजाला करूँगा .. वह दिन रात लग कर मुझे और मेरे भाई बहनों को बनाता है .. ताकि उस के घर भी दिवाली हो .. कुछ बताशे अपने बच्चों को खिला पाये .. कपडे तोह नहीं आयेगे बच्चों के लिए .. शायद पेट भर खाना ही खा पाये .. पर आप तोह १० रूपये के १० देने पर भी मोल भाऊ करोंगे .. "१२ दे दे " .. २ रूपये बचाओगे ..
अच्छा एक बात बोलो .. यह नयी नयी बड़ी दुकानो.., क्या बोलते है उसे ..माल्स.. शॉपिंग माल्स वहां एक बर्गर के कितना पैसे देते हो .. और कितना टैक्स देते हो .. क्या वहां भी मोल भाव करते हो .. ना ना वहां कैसे ..वहां तो २५ रूपये के मैक्डोनल बर्गर पर १७ रूपये टैक्स देते हो .. ५०० रूपये पिज़्ज़ा के देते हो और टिप्स भी १०० से कर नहीं देते, ताकि इज़्ज़त बानी रहे .. तोह मेरे से २ रूपये क्यों बचते हो ..
कितने बना पायेगा मेरा बुद्धा बाप दिन भर मेँ और कितने बेच पायेगा ..दस हज़ार दिए ..तोह कितना कमायेगा १००० रूपये .. और यही दिवाली है.. आपकी भी और मेरी भी ... शायद उस के घर मेँ भी मेँ माटी का दिया उजाला कर सकु , और आपके घर मेँ भी .
Sunday, October 05, 2014
आओ बनाये एक आदर्श ग्राम
आदर्श ग्राम का सपना सिर्फ मोदीजी का ही नहीं सारे भारतवासीयो का है. कौन है जो तरक्की , सफाई , नौकरी , साक्षरता और खुली हवा में जीना नहीं चाहता . कौन है जो गर्व से भारतवासी कहलाना नहीं चाहता . तोह क्या सिर्फ यह सपना सिर्फ़ मोदी जी का है . हमारा नहीं है ?
जब भी कुछ बदलने की बात आती है तोह हम सब सारा जिम्मा सरकार पर डाल देते है . सरकार नीतियां बना सकती है, सुविधा मुहैय्या करा सकती है , सड़के बना सकती है ..सफाई कर्मचआरी दे सकती है .. स्कूल बना सकती है ..हॉस्पिटल बना सकती है .. लेकिन इन सब सुविधाओ का उपभोग और सही उपभोग हमें ही करना है . हमें अपने अधिकार और इन अधिकारों के तहत दे गयी सुविधाओं के बारे में मालूम होना चाहिए .
आज ज्यादा से ज्यादा युवा पड़े लिखे है है , पर अपने ग्राम में कुछ करने के बजाये , शहरों में छोटी नौकरी करना पसंद करते है . चाहे वह रिक्शा चलाना हो या उद्योगों में मज़दूरी . तो फिर अपने ग्राम में कुछ काम करके अपना और ग्राम का विकास क्यों नहीं कर सकता .
जब भी कुछ बदलने की बात आती है तोह हम सब सारा जिम्मा सरकार पर डाल देते है . सरकार नीतियां बना सकती है, सुविधा मुहैय्या करा सकती है , सड़के बना सकती है ..सफाई कर्मचआरी दे सकती है .. स्कूल बना सकती है ..हॉस्पिटल बना सकती है .. लेकिन इन सब सुविधाओ का उपभोग और सही उपभोग हमें ही करना है . हमें अपने अधिकार और इन अधिकारों के तहत दे गयी सुविधाओं के बारे में मालूम होना चाहिए .
आज ज्यादा से ज्यादा युवा पड़े लिखे है है , पर अपने ग्राम में कुछ करने के बजाये , शहरों में छोटी नौकरी करना पसंद करते है . चाहे वह रिक्शा चलाना हो या उद्योगों में मज़दूरी . तो फिर अपने ग्राम में कुछ काम करके अपना और ग्राम का विकास क्यों नहीं कर सकता .
ग्राम में क्या है , नौकरी नहीं है , मौका नहीं है , क्या करें .. अपना जीवन , पढ़ाई बर्बाद करें .. ? आजकल की इंटरनेट की दुनिया में यह सब सिर्फ कुछ बहाने लगते है , देखिये , जानिए और समझिए आप क्या क्या नहीं कर सकते . कितनी पॉलिसीस , कितनी सुविधाएं है जिनके बारे में आपको पता भी नहीं है . एक ग्राम का छोटा सा द्वार आपका दुनिया से जुड़ने का बड़ा साधन है .
क्या हो एक एक ग्राम में जो आपको व्यवसाय और प्रगति दे सकता है :
१. इंटरनेट सेंटर : आज कल सारी दुनिया इंटरनेट पर सिमट आई है . चाहे वह रेल की टिकट हो , या इंटर का रिजल्ट . कालेज एडमिशन से ले कर खरीदारी और सामान बेचना भी इंटरनेट के ज़रिये किया जा सकता है . डी ई टी (डिपार्टमेंट आफ टेलीकम्यूनिकेशन ) ने C S E (कॉमन सर्विस सेंटर ) काफी गाओं में खोले हैं पर भारत के ६ लाख ग्राम तक पहुंच पाना अभी बाकी है. आप भी एक इंटरनेट सेंटर खोल सकते है , चाहिए सिर्फ एक कंप्यूटर / लैपटॉप और डेटा कार्ड . इस के ज़रिये आप लोगों की मदत ही नहीं बल्कि एक आमदनी का जरिया भी बना सकते है . कंप्यूटर और इंटरनेट की शिक्षा भी प्रदान की जा सकती है सके साथ.
२ .टूशन सेंटर : ज़्यादातर ग्राम के बच्चे स्कूल पर निर्भर रहते है पढाई के लिए . अतिरिक्त जानकारी या तो नहीं मिल पाती या कोई समझाने के लिए उपलब्ध नहीं होता. शहर के बच्चों के लिए तोह टूशन सेंटर , एक्स्ट्रा एक्टिविटी सेंटर होते है , जिससे उनका चहु प्रकार से विकार हो पाता है . क्योँ न यह सब सुविदा हम उन पढ़े लिखे युवाओं के ज़रिये ग्राम के बच्चों तक भी पंहुचा पाएं .
३. लाइब्रेरी : पड़ना और जानकारी लेना न सिर्फ मनोरंजन का साधन है बल्कि ज्ञान का स्त्रोत भी . विविध प्रकार की किताबो से भरी लाइब्रेरी न सिर्फ ज्ञान का साधन होगी बल्कि सब बच्चों , युवाओं और बड़ों को साथ लाने का माध्यम भी . जो न सिर्फ चर्चा और ज्ञान के आदान प्रदान का केंद्र होगा बल्कि कुछ सीखने सीखने का केंद्र भी .
४. एम्प्लॉयमेंट एंड एजुकेशन सेंटर ; इस केंद्र में न सिर्फ अग्रमि नौकरी से सम्बन्धी जानकारी इंटरनेट के माध्यम से मिल पायेगी , बल्कि युवा अपना आवेदन पत्र भी जमा कर पाएंगे. यह एक माध्यम भी होगा ग्राम वासियों के लिए इंटरनेट के ज़रिये ग्राम में बानी वस्तुओं को पुरे देश में बेचने या पहुचने का .
और हम क्या कर सकते है , ग्राम को आदर्श ग्राम बनाने में :
३. व्यवसाय और आमदनी सब के लिए : घरेलु उद्योग और व्यवसाय को बढ़ावा , परिवार का हर सदस्य बढे प्रगति की तरफ तभी हम सब प्रगति करेंगे .
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Delhi Pride March 2013
Starting from Barakhambha Road the 2013 Delhi Pride March started with a lash of colors, smiles and celebration. People felt proud and free to come out in open, dancing, meeting other friends and more. It was the first of the kind for me to witness the first time behind the camera. It was pure fun and joy capturing the hidden people..out there in the closet.
Pride begins
Rudrani was a real showstopper..beautiful n confident
Happy with their partner
vibrancy of colors
Happy n gay
Monday, March 07, 2011
main bhi jab jeevan main kuch kar paane ko beetab ho gaya .. tab se kuch mera uska rista , badal sa gaya ..
kabhi wo mera , mahboob , baap .. masiha hota tha ..
ab wo mera malik .. huzoor aur koi dur wala ho gaya hain ..
ye jindagi ne sab le liya .. aur diya hain itna ahsas kuch na hone ka .
main ye sab di kar bhi bahut bhara bhara hota ..
yuin hum dono ab ye rista nibha rahe hain , main aah bharata huin to Kudha kahata huin .
aur usko jab meri yaad aati hain , zara aah meri taraf sarka deta hain ..
ab muskarana .. itna mulkil ho gaya hain , usko dekh kar , ki kasi usko samaj aa gayi to jane kya ho jaye ..
ek waqt tha , uske aage zuk kar bhi na zukne ka ahsas tha .. aur kuch mange ke liye Zukna jillat lagati thi ..
ek yug dekha hain . jab gutne zameen se uthe hi nahi ..
bas yu hi .. main ab bhi janta huin . usko .. us ladake ko , jiska passtime Kudha samajna tha .. jiski shaam kudha ka wasl tha ..
bas yahi yaad kisi din usse mujko mila bhi degi ..
yu to kuch kami nahi di .. magar jindagi nahi di ..
...chalo ab jis tahar ho ..
ye khal cod kar uth nahi sakata .. warna sab kho dunga ..
ye zua hain .. jaha sab lag jata hain ..
aap ja nahi sakte ..
bas ek hi tarika hain ..
ya to shakuni ban jao ..
ya vaanvashi ..
so ya to shakuni mil jayee ka Krishna..
warna aap ka is mahabharat main jeet pana muskil hain .
ek line kafi pahale likhi thi ..
kabhi wo mera , mahboob , baap .. masiha hota tha ..
ab wo mera malik .. huzoor aur koi dur wala ho gaya hain ..
ye jindagi ne sab le liya .. aur diya hain itna ahsas kuch na hone ka .
main ye sab di kar bhi bahut bhara bhara hota ..
yuin hum dono ab ye rista nibha rahe hain , main aah bharata huin to Kudha kahata huin .
aur usko jab meri yaad aati hain , zara aah meri taraf sarka deta hain ..
ab muskarana .. itna mulkil ho gaya hain , usko dekh kar , ki kasi usko samaj aa gayi to jane kya ho jaye ..
ek waqt tha , uske aage zuk kar bhi na zukne ka ahsas tha .. aur kuch mange ke liye Zukna jillat lagati thi ..
ek yug dekha hain . jab gutne zameen se uthe hi nahi ..
bas yu hi .. main ab bhi janta huin . usko .. us ladake ko , jiska passtime Kudha samajna tha .. jiski shaam kudha ka wasl tha ..
bas yahi yaad kisi din usse mujko mila bhi degi ..
yu to kuch kami nahi di .. magar jindagi nahi di ..
...chalo ab jis tahar ho ..
ye khal cod kar uth nahi sakata .. warna sab kho dunga ..
ye zua hain .. jaha sab lag jata hain ..
aap ja nahi sakte ..
bas ek hi tarika hain ..
ya to shakuni ban jao ..
ya vaanvashi ..
so ya to shakuni mil jayee ka Krishna..
warna aap ka is mahabharat main jeet pana muskil hain .
ek line kafi pahale likhi thi ..
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
You have to understand…, its all a game
A small girl was playing with her toys. A some dolls.., of various shapes and sizes. She was installing them as statues and playing with as if they are dolls like her. Papa doll, friend doll, Husband doll, baby doll… all sizes and relations. A friend of her came and was amused to see the dolls… they were all idols of Krishna.., the vishwa-roop, the sakha-roop, the raja-roop, the bal-gopal roop. He was amazed how she can be a daughter to Krishna, a friend, a beloved and a mother at the same time. All these relations at the same time with Krishna was creating a problem to him.. and made him entirely confused. Little girl saw him… and said….., He is my father, my friend, my beloved and my child… nothing is real.. . Its all him…, “you have to understand., its all a game”.
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
The REALITY of reality shows...
The explosion of reality shows on Indian-TV starting from Big-Boss, Rakhi-Ki-Swambar, Pati-Patni-aur-Woh, Perfect-Bride, Fear-Factor, Sach-ka-samna is going on and on with now Rahul Mahajan pleading for his true love to appear out of TV screen. The so called reality shows try to create a reality out of acting and drama of real life and people, whose aftermath is borne by many connected. Either that be Rupa Ganguly at sach-ka-samna, their real life drama is filling up the TRP with reel drama in form of daily soaps. how real are they god knows.. but they tend to affect common person life in the name of popularity and publicity. Little do they realise that after effects of exposing their life on screen will drastically change their life forever, in good and in bad. The celebrities are worshiped like gods by their fans, and they visualise them as the role played by them.. the emotions.. charactor follows. With shows exposing them of their darker and uglier side defientely breaks the illusion and hearts of fans.. leading the idols to normal people fighting for their lives. how far is it justified to peek through the key holes to the doors of their favorites.. is certainly people to answer., or are we so induled into sadestic pleasures of being over interferring Indians like the anty next door to us..!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Dada we'll miss you
The maharaja of Indian cricket decieded to take a early retirement and leave the areana.Since his debut in 1992, his has been an unputdownable story with umpteen twists and turns.
In an era dominated by Sachin Tendulkar and Brian Lara, Ganguly was also one of the best batsman around, both statistically and aesthetically. Each of the 18,000-plus runs he scored, mostly piercing the off-side, showed he knew how to put the bat to the ball.For a batsman, who at one stage was considered almost paraplegic to anything pitched on the leg, Ganguly overcame this flaw as well in the subsequent phase of his career. his fans fondly remember his silky cover-drives and soaring sixes, Ganguly the skipper is likely to overshadow Ganguly the batsman in the history of the game.
Ganguly inherited the team at a time when Indian cricket was struggling to shed the match-fixing slur and by the time he was through with it, Ganguly had established himself as country's most successful captain, courtesy those 21 wins that came under his stewardship spanning 49 Test matches. Once his highly successful partnership with coach John Wright came to an end with the affable Kiwi returning home, Ganguly's subsequent career was marked by umpteen intrigues and irony and the left-hander, credit to his resilience, survived it all.
Ganguly played a key role to get Greg Chappell as the new India coach but soon sparks flew which got him out of the team and he also picked up a fight with his mentor Jagmohan Dalmiya only to make up with him later.
After his comeback, Ganguly hardly put a foot wrong. He returned with an altered batting philosophy which put industry before incendiary and application before aggression.
Turning up late for toss, figuring in many an eyeball-to-eyeball confrontations, doing something as outrageous as taking off his shirt and swirling it at the hallowed balcony of Lord's -- Ganguly evoked both admiration and irritation but never boredom.
In an era dominated by Sachin Tendulkar and Brian Lara, Ganguly was also one of the best batsman around, both statistically and aesthetically. Each of the 18,000-plus runs he scored, mostly piercing the off-side, showed he knew how to put the bat to the ball.For a batsman, who at one stage was considered almost paraplegic to anything pitched on the leg, Ganguly overcame this flaw as well in the subsequent phase of his career. his fans fondly remember his silky cover-drives and soaring sixes, Ganguly the skipper is likely to overshadow Ganguly the batsman in the history of the game.
Ganguly inherited the team at a time when Indian cricket was struggling to shed the match-fixing slur and by the time he was through with it, Ganguly had established himself as country's most successful captain, courtesy those 21 wins that came under his stewardship spanning 49 Test matches. Once his highly successful partnership with coach John Wright came to an end with the affable Kiwi returning home, Ganguly's subsequent career was marked by umpteen intrigues and irony and the left-hander, credit to his resilience, survived it all.
Ganguly played a key role to get Greg Chappell as the new India coach but soon sparks flew which got him out of the team and he also picked up a fight with his mentor Jagmohan Dalmiya only to make up with him later.
After his comeback, Ganguly hardly put a foot wrong. He returned with an altered batting philosophy which put industry before incendiary and application before aggression.
Turning up late for toss, figuring in many an eyeball-to-eyeball confrontations, doing something as outrageous as taking off his shirt and swirling it at the hallowed balcony of Lord's -- Ganguly evoked both admiration and irritation but never boredom.
Monday, July 21, 2008
WANTED: A Media for the People, by the People, from the People
It’s been ages that a mass democratic country like is India is rules by a handful of politicians. Who in turn continue to ignore the same people who voted them to the Parliament . These people in turn not only makes strategies to run the country but the businesses and media as well. Those who don’t comply with it had their due as in case of media people harassed in Maharashtra and Bihar. Does that mean the truth may always be hidden and barred from coming out in the open ? or is that we lack a control of a stronger power ? Where will this stronger power come from… who can change the scenario .
The answers to all these questions lies in “YOU” … you representing the people… the citizen. You, who put power in hand of a handful of people by the means of your votes,. You, who is ranked second among the world population. You Can… Change it.
When I mean change I don’t mean an agitation or a revolution. I mean change within you. A few small effort from each citizen of this country will not only make their current situation better but lead to nation building as well. A few small steps can lead to big rewards in the end.
The first step is to EDUCATE. Educate yourself in terms of you’re your rights. There are many policies by the government which are for the benefit of every section, but due to the ignorance of people these benefits falls into the hands of those who are known to it. There are healthcare programmes like Janani Suraksha Yojna, Mamta, BPL cards, Health Insurance benefits for the rural people, education programmes like Ladli, Sarv Siksha Abhiyaan, Employment programme as national rural employment guarantee act etc which are for the benefit of people from all sectors of rural and urban India. It is not only required that you know about these facilities but also to popularise about them so the maximum people benefit from them. Education also means spreading the literacy among people. Times group has also taken a step forward in this field by launching the TEACH INDIA programme.
The second step is to BENEFIT from these programmes. The awareness is here translated to action and wherever and whenever you need help, the way is to reach out and ask for you rights. Whenever the topic of asking the rights from the government comes into being the so called middlemen comes in the picture and the beneficiary is debarred from his / her rights. Here comes in the need for awaken and powerful media.
The next and third step is to REPORT. Report to government where ever you find negligence, malfunctioning, corruption and wherever people are prevented from getting their rightful. Reporting frightens people as they have to deal to so called the rulers of the society and thereby bear their vengeance. I am not advising you to be a leader but rather be reporter.., like the media. Every policy and ministry has a website where you can report such things. Also, you can report the same to a media channel as well so they could bring a the whole picture into light. This way not only you will benefit but the others unlike you could also be able to benefit from a contributory effort taken by government to reach to people at grass-root level. If all of us just follow this practice then definitely the money invested by us in the form of taxes will be for benefiting us and would reach to the destined place then being in the middlemen’s hands. So..why don’t we be a media for us, by us from us.
The answers to all these questions lies in “YOU” … you representing the people… the citizen. You, who put power in hand of a handful of people by the means of your votes,. You, who is ranked second among the world population. You Can… Change it.
When I mean change I don’t mean an agitation or a revolution. I mean change within you. A few small effort from each citizen of this country will not only make their current situation better but lead to nation building as well. A few small steps can lead to big rewards in the end.
The first step is to EDUCATE. Educate yourself in terms of you’re your rights. There are many policies by the government which are for the benefit of every section, but due to the ignorance of people these benefits falls into the hands of those who are known to it. There are healthcare programmes like Janani Suraksha Yojna, Mamta, BPL cards, Health Insurance benefits for the rural people, education programmes like Ladli, Sarv Siksha Abhiyaan, Employment programme as national rural employment guarantee act etc which are for the benefit of people from all sectors of rural and urban India. It is not only required that you know about these facilities but also to popularise about them so the maximum people benefit from them. Education also means spreading the literacy among people. Times group has also taken a step forward in this field by launching the TEACH INDIA programme.
The second step is to BENEFIT from these programmes. The awareness is here translated to action and wherever and whenever you need help, the way is to reach out and ask for you rights. Whenever the topic of asking the rights from the government comes into being the so called middlemen comes in the picture and the beneficiary is debarred from his / her rights. Here comes in the need for awaken and powerful media.
The next and third step is to REPORT. Report to government where ever you find negligence, malfunctioning, corruption and wherever people are prevented from getting their rightful. Reporting frightens people as they have to deal to so called the rulers of the society and thereby bear their vengeance. I am not advising you to be a leader but rather be reporter.., like the media. Every policy and ministry has a website where you can report such things. Also, you can report the same to a media channel as well so they could bring a the whole picture into light. This way not only you will benefit but the others unlike you could also be able to benefit from a contributory effort taken by government to reach to people at grass-root level. If all of us just follow this practice then definitely the money invested by us in the form of taxes will be for benefiting us and would reach to the destined place then being in the middlemen’s hands. So..why don’t we be a media for us, by us from us.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Cosmic Communication
It always use to occur to me, is possible to communicate to people who are not physically present at the time being. Or how does is happen when two people at different locations can think and do the same thing about each other. How can people guess the right things about future and present which is visible not present in front of them. How can you know the good or bad about a person just on the first meeting not even by not talking to them? Why do we trust some people at the first instance and are able to share our thinking very easily and others we are very reluctant?
The way you think
These questions use to boggle me till I knew about the cosmically communicating. Cosmic talking is communication through your environment. It is catch up with your mental wavelength or thinking process. Saints have said the way you think or dream, you and your life becomes the same. It is very true in terms of cosmic understanding. Every person emits some vibrations, which is also called as aura. A happy and positive person with a healthy approach towards life will emit a positive aura, and will attract people towards him and would also be successful in his life. Such person’s presence is instantly felt as soon as this person enters any room or place. You may have come across such people in gatherings or social do’s.
The way you are
Through cosmic communication, you can communicate to people invisibly. And also to those who are remotely located and are not possible to meet personally. It’s simple and harmless. Also, good for those people who are very shy or conserved in sharing their thoughts or sometimes don’t trust people for understanding them. Sometimes people also fear dejection or disapproval by others which also make them to be tightly shelled in their cocoon. By communicating though cosmically all these fear or dilemmas are left behind and also you are able to open up to the beautiful world.
The way to go
It’s said a many a times about cosmic communication in lot of places including here, but most of the time no one tells how to. All you need is few minutes and a place in comfort with no distractions. These places can be anywhere, like while traveling, in office, home or anywhere you are comfortable. Now concentrate on the person you want to talk to. Once you are focused, mentally speak all that you want to this person. You can also offer support and mental strength to the other person by this way. You can communicate this way for a few minutes or till your focus lasts. This will also help you opening up to others along with communication process. You can also ask for some answers from the other person or to make a better relationship or communication channel. This also builds up your trust with the other. But, remember you should not use abuse the other person. Remember, positive thoughts generates pure aura. This of communication is also a form of meditation reoffered in Sahaj-Yoga. Once you practice this method of communication, it will also increase your intuition power.
also visit : www.sahajyoga.com
The way you think
These questions use to boggle me till I knew about the cosmically communicating. Cosmic talking is communication through your environment. It is catch up with your mental wavelength or thinking process. Saints have said the way you think or dream, you and your life becomes the same. It is very true in terms of cosmic understanding. Every person emits some vibrations, which is also called as aura. A happy and positive person with a healthy approach towards life will emit a positive aura, and will attract people towards him and would also be successful in his life. Such person’s presence is instantly felt as soon as this person enters any room or place. You may have come across such people in gatherings or social do’s.
The way you are
Through cosmic communication, you can communicate to people invisibly. And also to those who are remotely located and are not possible to meet personally. It’s simple and harmless. Also, good for those people who are very shy or conserved in sharing their thoughts or sometimes don’t trust people for understanding them. Sometimes people also fear dejection or disapproval by others which also make them to be tightly shelled in their cocoon. By communicating though cosmically all these fear or dilemmas are left behind and also you are able to open up to the beautiful world.
The way to go
It’s said a many a times about cosmic communication in lot of places including here, but most of the time no one tells how to. All you need is few minutes and a place in comfort with no distractions. These places can be anywhere, like while traveling, in office, home or anywhere you are comfortable. Now concentrate on the person you want to talk to. Once you are focused, mentally speak all that you want to this person. You can also offer support and mental strength to the other person by this way. You can communicate this way for a few minutes or till your focus lasts. This will also help you opening up to others along with communication process. You can also ask for some answers from the other person or to make a better relationship or communication channel. This also builds up your trust with the other. But, remember you should not use abuse the other person. Remember, positive thoughts generates pure aura. This of communication is also a form of meditation reoffered in Sahaj-Yoga. Once you practice this method of communication, it will also increase your intuition power.
also visit : www.sahajyoga.com
Friday, July 14, 2006
A Salute to the Mumbaikar’s Spirit
The 7/11 had been a deadly evening for the people in Mumbai when the city burned in 7 deadly blasts in a single day killing over 250 people and injuring more than 500. The bombs were planted in the local trains and timed such that it caused maximum damage to the people. People were blown off into multiple pieces difficult to gather. The whole Mumbai came together to help and rescue people to hospitals and shelter were created for those who survived. People flooded the hospitals to donate blood to the extent that the blood bank issued a notice by midnight that they are full and don’t require more blood. By mid-night everything was in control. The next day people dusted themselves off and went to work in full strength in the same trains that were targeted. Its been a slap in the face of terrorist wanting to shake the faith of people in life, brotherhood n tomorrow. Mumbaikars have shown to the world that they won’t allow anyone to disrupt their life like this and divide them into the caste n sect bifurcations.
Way back in 2004 when Delhi was blown on 29/11 just before the big festival Diwali, people caged themselves into their houses for the fear of being caught in the tragedy again, for get even celebrating the festival awaited the year long. The crackers were bought with extreme care to insure nothing malicious is being bought. The number of causalities was the same but the sorrow and grief was celebrated for over a month.
But Mumbaikar ‘s have shown nobody dare threaten them like this as the spirit of Mumbai is very strong and cannot be harmed. A big Salute to all Mumbaikar ‘s n the city MUMBAI.
Way back in 2004 when Delhi was blown on 29/11 just before the big festival Diwali, people caged themselves into their houses for the fear of being caught in the tragedy again, for get even celebrating the festival awaited the year long. The crackers were bought with extreme care to insure nothing malicious is being bought. The number of causalities was the same but the sorrow and grief was celebrated for over a month.
But Mumbaikar ‘s have shown nobody dare threaten them like this as the spirit of Mumbai is very strong and cannot be harmed. A big Salute to all Mumbaikar ‘s n the city MUMBAI.
Monday, July 03, 2006
Life’s not just Ha..Ha.. Hee..Hee..
The message is clear, life’s a roller costar and we all agree with it. But every time we go through the rough path we scream, shout n cry to the pry of life. Inside we all know that’ll be overcome. But to wait for the path to pass off is the most impatient job, till we meet that someone can bring the assurance and faith to fight it in our favor and to make us realize; we are more than our potential and has the ability of changing the world…Our World.
Same stands true about the Indian filmmakers also…from making copies of Hollywood movies., to the sequences of the same movie over and over again… their ha..ha..hee..hee goes on. And they continue to fool the Indian audience with the latkas, jhatkas and songs like the good old chitrahaar.
But as it is said “Life’s not just Ha..Ha..Hee..Hee… “ there are upcoming directors and script writers who want to experiment with original ideas into making it a meaningful cinema. Directors like Gurender Chadda, Ashutosh Govirikar, nagesh kukunoor have not only have given movies like ‘Rang de Basanti’, ‘Bend it like Beckham’, ‘Rockford’, ‘Bollywood Hollywoord’, ‘Mitr’ …. The list is quite long. The new generation is not only liking their work but appreciating it with greater interest and flavor.
Recently, I’ve got the opportunity to watch this movie called ‘Life’s not just ha ha Hee Hee’ on Star-Movies and was really amazed with so well directed and written movie on yet so simple topic. The story is about three friends and their lives, the problems they face and how they solve it on their own by transforming themselves. Definitely a must see for those who like to watch movies different from the ordinary.
Same stands true about the Indian filmmakers also…from making copies of Hollywood movies., to the sequences of the same movie over and over again… their ha..ha..hee..hee goes on. And they continue to fool the Indian audience with the latkas, jhatkas and songs like the good old chitrahaar.
But as it is said “Life’s not just Ha..Ha..Hee..Hee… “ there are upcoming directors and script writers who want to experiment with original ideas into making it a meaningful cinema. Directors like Gurender Chadda, Ashutosh Govirikar, nagesh kukunoor have not only have given movies like ‘Rang de Basanti’, ‘Bend it like Beckham’, ‘Rockford’, ‘Bollywood Hollywoord’, ‘Mitr’ …. The list is quite long. The new generation is not only liking their work but appreciating it with greater interest and flavor.
Recently, I’ve got the opportunity to watch this movie called ‘Life’s not just ha ha Hee Hee’ on Star-Movies and was really amazed with so well directed and written movie on yet so simple topic. The story is about three friends and their lives, the problems they face and how they solve it on their own by transforming themselves. Definitely a must see for those who like to watch movies different from the ordinary.
Monday, April 24, 2006
Delightful Delhi-ites: Mogambo Khush Hua
Dilli-chalo is the new mantra of Delhi government, with putting Delhi on the world map at par with the world class cities like New York, Tokyo, Sydney, London, and Paris and like. And their efforts towards is great task is commendable with their progress. At the rate at which the beautification projects are given their final shape, not only Delhi would be a traveler’s delight but will make life easy and enjoyable for the people here. All the four directions of Delhi are filled with surprises and to connect them together there is a better and more comfortable mode of transport i.e. Delhi-Metro which is a pride of Delhi. Also not to forget the well made Ring-Roads (outer and inner), which had been made traffic-lights free by making multiple over bridges.
Akshardham Temple
Akshardham Temple
The Akshardham Temple build on the bank of river Yamuna is a builders marvel and east Delhi people pride. Spread over acres of land, it makes you forget that you are in highly congested city like Delhi. The green lush environment makes it a very peaceful yet enjoyable place ideal for picnic and to witness a marvel of human creation. You need a complete day to see this completely. Ideal time is winters or summer evenings as it has more open space and the day-time heat of summers takes away the pleasure. Also remember you are not allowed to carry mobile-phones, food, ladies-purse or any type of baggage inside the campus. It has its own in built cafeteria which has good quality food at economical prices.
Presidents's House
The heart of Delhi is the south, which is also called as the Lutyan’s Delhi which has been planned and designed by the British and boosts of lush greenery, parks, broad and clean roads, buildings like President’s house and Parliament and India-Gate. This complete package can be witnessed during the night time after nine at the India-Gate lawns where if not all but most of Delhi people love to picnic. South Delhi also has Dilli-Haat, a place where you find complete India merging into one. The ideal time to visit this place is Festivals and evenings and winter days. With so much of open space with colors and people around, it is much of my personal favorite. Must try at this place is the varied cuisine from all over India. If you are a shopping freak then very close to Dilli-Haat is Sarojani Nagar Market, but here you must watch for your wallet ‘cause the deals are very tempting, nice and up market.
Delhi Metro
Delhi Metro
The west of Delhi has its biggest park, “Japanese Park”. It is well connected with Metro, Good if you go there with family or friends. Also you can enjoy the metro ride, which is a must if you are an outsider.
Lotus Temple
Lotus Temple
Along with the all the fun places above Delhi had rich heritage culture also. Lotus-Temple, ISCKON Temple, Chattarpur-Temple Complex, Birla-Mandir, Bangla-sahib Gurudwara, Shiv-Murti on NH-8, Red-Fort, Old-Fort, Wall-City(Chandni-Chowk) Raj-Ghat, Pragati maidan etc.
Qutub Minar
And if you are planning a long trip to this city then probably you can try the nearby getaways too, like Shimla, Dharamshala(HP), Jaipur(Raj), Haridwar, Dehradoon, Nainital(uttranchal), Agra, Fatehpur Sikri (UP), KuruKshetra (haryana) etc., they are just a few hours drive from Delhi.
The best season to visit Delhi is October-November when the whole city is swinging in festive mood, with Durga-Puja, Navratras, Ganesh-Chaturthi, Dusserra, Diwali and many more adorn to the city. People this time is completely in Dill-Zen spirit
And if you are planning a long trip to this city then probably you can try the nearby getaways too, like Shimla, Dharamshala(HP), Jaipur(Raj), Haridwar, Dehradoon, Nainital(uttranchal), Agra, Fatehpur Sikri (UP), KuruKshetra (haryana) etc., they are just a few hours drive from Delhi.
The best season to visit Delhi is October-November when the whole city is swinging in festive mood, with Durga-Puja, Navratras, Ganesh-Chaturthi, Dusserra, Diwali and many more adorn to the city. People this time is completely in Dill-Zen spirit