The REALITY of reality shows...
The explosion of reality shows on Indian-TV starting from Big-Boss, Rakhi-Ki-Swambar, Pati-Patni-aur-Woh, Perfect-Bride, Fear-Factor, Sach-ka-samna is going on and on with now Rahul Mahajan pleading for his true love to appear out of TV screen. The so called reality shows try to create a reality out of acting and drama of real life and people, whose aftermath is borne by many connected. Either that be Rupa Ganguly at sach-ka-samna, their real life drama is filling up the TRP with reel drama in form of daily soaps. how real are they god knows.. but they tend to affect common person life in the name of popularity and publicity. Little do they realise that after effects of exposing their life on screen will drastically change their life forever, in good and in bad. The celebrities are worshiped like gods by their fans, and they visualise them as the role played by them.. the emotions.. charactor follows. With shows exposing them of their darker and uglier side defientely breaks the illusion and hearts of fans.. leading the idols to normal people fighting for their lives. how far is it justified to peek through the key holes to the doors of their favorites.. is certainly people to answer., or are we so induled into sadestic pleasures of being over interferring Indians like the anty next door to us..!