Saturday, October 16, 2004


After picking today’s newspaper I was looking for some fresh daily news as the paper had become more of a habit than a news provider that’s why I believe it is surviving as there less of news and more of advertisement in it and of course not to forget the P3P pages which is almost alternatively included in the daily dose of news. The most happening parties’ launches, shows etc are all included. It looks as if it is made that way by the newspapers. I wonder if these P3P’s are also sponsored columns to photograph and include the “who’s who” of the business, film and the media world not to forget also the cadre of “who’s he” photographed Alongwith them. I think it won’t be a bad idea to name and launch a paper in their name – P3P –Today, The P3P Times and so on the same lines. This way I believe that everybody can be happy as the newsreaders can be spared the effort for locating the news hidden among the small columns of P3P spread all over the paper.