Thursday, February 09, 2006

Understanding Astrology: The Simple way

Astrology has always evoked lots of interest from every age group and sphere of people. No mater if one believes in it or not but a weekly forecast definitely arises interest in people I have seen people doubt the credibility of a astrology but on the same when it comes to match making rely on horoscopes. Well they say they don’t want to take chances. I still remember the school days when Linda Goodman’s sun-signs and love-signs used to create so much of excitement among the group. Well, I won’t say to believe and follow it blindly but still if you observe you would find a lot of scientific logic to it. “Scientific logic?” yeah …! That was exactly the way even I’ve reacted, much as same manner as you at present.
In order to understand this we need to understand the water tides of a sea. The tides of sea keep on increasing and decreasing with the lunar and solar motions, and there a change in motions of a sea during the month and the year. Now if you relate this to a human body (a human body constitutes 78% of water) you would find that it also has different compositions which leads to their varied behaviors and natures. That’s why People born during the same time of the have a lot of similarities and basic nature. Astrology categorizes these time frames into solar-signs or lunar-signs. People born under the same or similar sign gel better than the other signs. These signs form a trinity namely Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pieces). Now just imagine all four just as elements. What comes to your mind?
Fire: Lots of Energy, vibrant, touching heights, heat, destructive, extremist. fierce.
Earth: conservative, down-to-earth (practical), stable, slow moving, keeping a good hold (to the roots), nurturing, caring.
Water: ever flowing without any control, nourishing, beautiful, refreshing, flexible (fits in anything), cool, satisfying.
Air: free cannot be caged, flexible (fits in anything), unstable, adaptable to anything (takes the heat and cold from season) vivid, lively (gives life) friendly.
Can we relate this to the above signs, do you find some similarity in their characteristics. Now, lets see their compatibility. All signs goes well with itself. Air being the major elements in all the signs goes well with all. Air is a major element in fire, more the air more the fire. Cut the air supply and fire is extinguished. So you see air helps fire to grow to its full potential. Air is a present in water too. Without air, water doesn’t have its identity and its flow. Earth requires air for providing life to it and for its fertility. Earth is pretty conservative element and blends well with Air and Water only. Water is required to quench its thirst and to refresh it. On the other hand fire burns it of life and reduces it to ash. Fire only goes well with Air besides itself. Water extinguishes it and earth does nothing besides burning itself.
So, you see its all in the stars. And the next time someone says; the Vivid-Gemini, Practical-Taurus or the Charming-Scorpio, don’t get surprised.


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